

The Immersive Media Lab

The Immersive Media Lab (IML) is an on-campus state-of-the-art lab focusing on immersive experience powered by sensors and artificial intelligence.  The lab emphasises the design and development of engaging content for a multisensory and multimodal user experience.  Launching the Immersive Media Lab at this time is ideal since there has been substantial investment globally into interactive technologies and the Metaverse in the past few years. The growth of immersive technologies within industries has been almost universal, spanning education, the automotive industry, real estate, and tourism. The IML provides diverse opportunities for collaborative development, research and education.  Dr Nassirah Laloo and Dr Mohammad Sameer Sunhaloo are the founding members of the lab.

email address: [email protected]

June 2024: Participation of UTM-IML for the UNESCO Creative Cities Network Port-Louis City of Music- Music Day Celebrations along Cultural and Artistic trail on June 21st 2024 - Augmented and Interactive Experiences.

The UTM Immersive Media Lab through the Municipal City Council of Port Louis presented and engaged audiences with immersive and interactive experiences along the Cultural and Artistic Trail on June 21st 2024 for the Music Day Celebrations through two concepts as follows:

1. At the URBAN Terminal

Presentation of AR experiences to showcase sounds in nature around the theme Nature’s Symphony. The concept was mainly to make people experience the harmony of sound in a clean and safe nature. The theme also aimed to sensitise people to keep the environment (on-land and underwater) clean in line with SDG 14 and SDG 15.

2. At the Company Garden

Audiences were allowed to take photos with a 3D developed version of TiFrere.

The concept and development team comprised Dr Nassirah Laloo (Senior Lecturer), Dr Mohammad Sameer Sunhaloo (Associate Professor), and Mr Jasheel Ramphul.

Acknowledgement: Mr Daren and Mr Hashley | The University of Technology, Mauritius | The Municipal City Council of Port-Louis.

May 2024: Participation of UTM-IML at METX 2024 - Augmented and Interactive Experiences

The UTM Immersive Media Lab presented and engaged audiences with immersive and interactive experiences during the inaugural Mauritius Emerging Tech Exhibition (METX) 2024. Five captivating themes were explored through Augmented Reality (AR):

  • Dinosaurs Land Experience AR
  • Marine Life Experience AR
  • Happiness and Well-Being Experience AR
  • Space Exploration Experience AR
  • Innovative Technologies Experience AR

Additionally, the team showcased the use of AR for product promotion, with the possibility of developing a shopping application.
Furthermore, interactive experiences were provided to the attendees, who could witness their coloured drawings coming to life on-screen.
The concept and development team comprised Dr Nassirah Laloo (Senior Lecturer), Dr Mohammad Sameer Sunhaloo (Associate Professor), Mr Jasheel Ramphul and Mr Asvind Dookhorun.

April 2024: Cyber Caravan Launch in collaboration with the MDPA

The Ministry of Information Technology, Communication and Innovation in collaboration with the Mauritius Digital Promotion Agency (MDPA) organised a Corporate Launch Ceremony on Thursday, 25th April 2024. The Cyber Caravan of the MDPA was launched and showcased.

Dr. Nassirah Laloo, Senior Lecturer, and Dr. Mohammad Sameer Sunhaloo, Associate Professor from the UTM Immersive Media Lab (UTM-IML) added immersive experiences to the event.

The event was honoured by Hon. Deepak Ballgobin, Minister of Information Technology, Communication, and Innovation.

May 2022: Signature Ceremony

The IML, through a Memorandum of Understanding signed with Ceridian Mauritius Ltd on the 24th of May 2022, aims to strengthen collaboration between industry and academia. 

The Event was honoured by the presence of Mr Vidia Mooneegan, the Managing Director/ Vice President of Ceridian Mauritius Ltd.

June 2022: International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking

UTM Immersive Media Lab Participation

The IML through the Metaverse provided an innovative and immersive experience on drug sensitisation.  The audiences were immersed in virtual worlds to enable them to understand the stark reality and harshness of life of those who consider drugs an escape.  AR anti-drug posters were developed for the event, and they indeed captured the attention of the viewers.

The Event was honoured by the presence of Honourable Pravind Kumar Jugnauth, MP, Prime Minister; Honourable Mrs Leela Devi Dookun-Luchoomun, BCSK, MP, Minister of Education, Tertiary Education, Science, and Technology; and Dr The Honourable Kailesh Kumar Singh Jagutpal, MP, Minister of Health and Wellness.

July 2022: Ansam Avek CSU Communication Campaign at Saint Pierre Market

The IML contributed to the communication campaign.  One of the themes of the campaign was National Drug Secretariat.  Interactive technologies were used to sensitise the participants on drugs and substance abuse.

The Event was honoured by the presence of Honourable Mrs Leela Devi Dookun-Luchoomun, GCSK, MP, Minister of Education, Tertiary Education, Science, and Technology.

August 2022 Radio One Career Fair

The IML presented the Immersive Media Lab and demonstrated technologies considered in the lab. The audiences included other institutions and college students. Research and collaboration opportunities were proposed. Study pathways were explained and the need to stay up-to-date with technology was emphasized.

September 2022: Presentation of the UTM-IML lab at the Salon de Léducation

The UTM-IML presented the University and the Immersive Media Lab. Emerging technologies related to the Metaverse were detailed. The audience included other institutions and college students. Research and collaboration opportunities were proposed. Study pathways were explained and the need to stay up-to-date with technology was emphasized.

The event was organised by MyScore Team from September 2–4, 2022 and was held at La Galerie du Génie

August 2023: UTM-IML August 2023: Project entitled ‘The Biggest 3D and AR Street Park in Mauritius, on Venpin Street, Chinatown.

The UTM-IML contributed to the augmented reality experience of 3D fresque introduced by the Chinatown Foundation with the famous artist from Shanghai – Yan Jian. Artist Yan has been involved in many of the murals of Chinatown as well as the creator of Tang Loon, the longest Dragon of Africa in plastic bottles. Experiential research, analysis, animation, and development were considered in the project. Dr. Nassirah Laloo (Senior Lecturer), Dr. Mohammad Sameer Sunhaloo (Assoc Prof), and Mr. Asvind Dookhorun (Part-Time Lecturer) were part of the project.

The event was honoured by Hon Avinash Teeluck, Minister of Arts & Cultural Heritage, Dr the Hon Muhammad Ismael Rawoo, Private Parliamentary Secretary, His Excellency Mr. Liying Shu, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the People’s Republic of China, Mr. Mamode Issop Nujuraully, Lord Mayor, Mr. Jean Paul Lam Cham Kee, President of the Chinatown Foundation, Ms. Kathleen Lai Fat Fur, Vice President of the Chinatown Foundation.