It is often said that we never stop learning. In fact, during my last 3 years of studying for a Ba(Hons) in Communication, I have not only learned the basics. I also developed a way of thinking and reacting through experiences and practices.

During my primary and high school education, I was not the girl who was always on the top three podiums. I was the one with too many ideas and lots of energy. Therefore, thinking that the University of  Technology, Mauritius would be a repetition of my preceding experience, I enrolled in the programme, keeping my fingers crossed. But it was a real surprise! I was amazed to find out that my qualities and  present work submitted prevailed over everything else. The aim during all modules and lectures is to prepare students for the qualities and qualifications that either employers, or them, as entrepreneurs, will be looking for when recruiting the workforce.

I will always remember the warmth and kindness of the lecturers, staff and non-teaching staff at the university, the help and support of my classmate and friend, and for the record, of the sleepless nights spent perfecting my assignments. It was not all rosy and simple, but I will keep this in mind and conclude by telling you this; Always embark on a journey where you will feel that every day is a new adventure, experience, lessons, and opportunities. For some, it may be trial and error. But at the end of the day, it will help you learn and grow.