Academic Council Governance UTM Act Regulations Board of Governors Academic Council Academic Council Members Dr. Dinesh Kumar HURREERAM Director General, University of Technology, Mauritius (Chairperson) Dr (Mrs) Aruna ANKIAH-GANGADEEN Representative of Mauritius Institute of Education Miss Margaret LI YIN Representative of Open University of Mauritius Assoc Prof (Dr.) (Miss.) R GOBIN Representative of Mahatma Gandhi Institute & Rabindranath Tagore Institute Professor Muddun BHURUTH Representative of the University of Mauritius Dr. Kanayah SAURTY Representative of the Université Des Mascareignes Dr. Madhvee MADHOU Appointed by the UTM Board of Governors Professor Ved Prakash TORUL Appointed by the UTM Board of Governors Mr Vedanand BHUROSAH Appointed by the UTM Board of Governors Assoc Prof (Dr.) Bhissum NOWBUTSING Member of the UTM Board of Governors, UTM Assoc Prof (Dr.) Shireen PANCHOO Head of School of the School of Innovative Technologies and Engineering,UTM Professor Dambeegan PADACHI Head of School of the School of Business, Management and Finance, UTM Professor (Dr.) Chandradeo BOKHOREE Head of Doctoral School, UTM Assoc Prof (Dr.) Prabha RAMSEOOK-MUNHURRUN Head of the School of the School of Sustainable Development and Tourism, UTM Dr. Rajendranath GOORDOYAL Head of School of the School of Health Sciences, UTM Dr Geerish SUDDUL Elected Academic Representative of the School of Innovative Technologies and Engineering, UTM Dr Havisha VAGHJEE Elected Academic Representative of the School of Business, Management and Finance, UTM Assoc Dr (Ms) Perunjodi NAIDOO Elected Academic Representative of the School of Sustainable Development and Tourism, UTM Dr Manish PUTTEERAJ Elected Academic Representative of the School of Health Sciences, UTM Mr Koojagen SAMINATHEN Elected Student Representative, UTM Mr Gaurav RAMDHONY Head of Information Services, UTM