BSc (Hons) Cyber Security

We Make People Secure

Given the escalating complexity of cyber threats and the rapid rise in efforts to disrupt and gain unauthorised access to sensitive data, the demand for highly
skilled cybersecurity professionals is on the rise. These experts play a pivotal role in safeguarding organisational data and infrastructure against a wide range of cyber-attacks.

This programme aims to provide students with the knowledge and skills necessary to comprehend and identify cyber-attacks and mitigation techniques, detecting and responding to network-based intrusions, performing ethical hacking and testing approaches, and applied cryptography mechanisms to secure enterprise solutions.

Career Prospects

  • Students graduating from this programme are expected to take employment as Information Security Analyst, Cyber Security Engineer, Security Resilience, Cyber Defence Specialist, Ethical Hacker, Cybersecurity Consultant, and Secure Software Developer are among the positions that could be available.


Possess the ability to discover security vulnerabilities across software, network and infrastructure by using ethical hacking techniques and vulnerability scanning.
Possess practical skill-set in the mitigation of a number of dangerous web vulnerabilities.
Possess practical skill-set in assuring network security against all threats including advanced hackers, trackers, exploit kits, and Wi-Fi attacks.
Understand and implement encryption algorithms that make the foundation of modern-day industrial cryptography.
Possess the ability to identify, assess and articulate cyber security risk as well as identifying options for treatment using proper risk management framework.


  • As per UTM’s Admission Regulations, and ‘Admission to Programmes of Study at First Degree Level’ or APL/APEL requirements. In addition, applicant must have ‘A’ Level in Mathematics.
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27 Lessons3 years (FT) / 4.5 years (PT)

Level 1

Mathematics for Cyber Security I

Operating System Services

Computer Systems Architecture

Network Technology

Cyber Security Fundamentals

Mathematics for Cyber Security II

UNIX Operating Systems

Programming Language for Cyber Security I

Ethical Network Hacking

Relational Data Modelling & Implementation

Level 2

Level 3