BSc (Hons) Emerging Technologies (Top-Up) jointly with Polytechnics Mauritius Ltd

This BSc (Hons) Emerging Technologies Top-Up programme is designed to give students a solid

grounding within the technical themes of evolving technologies, namely, the Internet of Things, Big data,

cloud computing, serverless computing, creation of smart solutions amongst others, as well as IT project

management and team building and more generally within the theme of professional development.


The aims of the Top-Up programme are :

(i) to bridge the gap between available skills in the current labour market and industry requirements

(ii) to provide the diploma holders with the opportunity to upgrade their skills and knowledge in

specific industry focussed technologies.


Upon completion of the programme, the graduates would have the ability:
• to identify, formulate, and solve complex computing problems by applying their knowledge from
the programme
• to communicate effectively with a range of audiences and to function effectively on a team whose
members together provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish
goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives
• to develop and conduct appropriate applications to capture, store, analyze and interpret data, and
draw conclusions in complex environments
• to develop innovative applications in the area of mobile computing, the Internet of Things, Cloud
computing, and data management.


  • Holding either a Diploma in Information Technology (Big Data Analytics) or a Diploma in Information
  • Technology (Internet of Things) or a Diploma in Emerging Technologies or a Diploma relevant in
  • Information & Communication Technology from a recognized institution, pitched at level 6 of the National
  • Qualifications Framework (NQF), acceptable to the APL/APEL committee.
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