BSc (Hons.) Human Resource Management
Career Prospects
- For those aspiring to join the HR field to gain the much needed competencies, skills and sound knowledge to effectively tackle the most valued asset of an organization, the people working there.
Understand the complexity of human beings and their behavior as individuals, in groups or in teams.
Analyze the complex and turbulent environment in which organizations operate
Understand the different resources an organization deploys to achieve its objectives
Appreciate the role of human resource in achieving organizational objectives
Understand the relatedness of different management functions and resources
Use mathematical and statistical techniques to collect, organize, analyze and present information for decision-making and presentation
Forcecast resource and human resource requirements of an organization
Plan for quantitative and qualitative human resource needs of organization
Present human resource initiatives in hard financial terms to management
Understand and apply the employment and other related laws to human resource management in the Mauritian context
Identify the training and development needs of organizational human resource
Ensure HRD initiatives effectively and efficiently meet their objectives
Attract, retain, motivate, add value to human resource/talents of an organization
Manage the politics of organization bearing in mind human beings are complex animals
Apply modern HRM techniques including ICT in managing HR effectively and flexibly
Prepare HR and the organization to do business sustainably
- As per UTM’s Admissions Regulations, and ‘Admission to Programmes of Study at Degree Level’ or APL / APEL requirements.
- Note: Exemptions as per regulations will apply
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31 Lessons3 years (FT) / 4 years (PT)