BSc (Hons) in Management (Finance)
Grooming Convergent Manager with Finance Competencies!
Career Prospects
- Possible jobs include director, supervisor and administrator in most firm.
Enable students to acquire state of the art knowledge and understanding of the field of management
Provide an educational experience which will facilitate and promote students' intellectual development.
Promote critical awareness of the merits and complexities of management, and to inculcate an appreciation of the association between theory and practice
Appraise students of important new developments in the field of management and finance
Appraise students of important new developments in the field of management.
Enable students to develop appropriate practical and transferable skills.
Provide a high quality management programme.
- As per UTM’s Admissions Regulations, and ‘Admission to Programmes of Study at Degree Level’ or APL / APEL requirements.
- Note: Exemptions as per UTM regulations.
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31 Lessons3 years (FT) / 4 years (PT)