Information Services Department
29/06/2022 2023-12-08 17:47Information Services Department
Director General Office
Information Services Department
The Information Services Department (ISD), previously under the School of Innovative Technologies and
Engineering (SITE), became an independent department in the year 2019. The ISD provides Information
Services to the University. It has three units, namely, the Technical Unit (TU) and the Information System Unit (ISU) and the Resource Centre (RC) and is led by the Head of Information Services (HoIS). The Technical Unit currently has an Ag. Systems Engineer, one Technician and one Computer Support Officer. One Systems Analyst and one Computer Programmer work at the Information System Unit. The number of technical staff is expected to grow by the end of this year. These two units are supported by an Administrative Officer and a Management Support Officer.

Aims & Roles
Our Aims & Objectives
- To provide information technology services help desk facilities in an efficient way
- To be part of the revenue generation for UTM as an independent department, for example,
- by providing consultancy services
- running of short professional IT courses
- hosting of professional online examinations
- To enhance collaboration across the different departments by providing a more coordinated information through innovative equipment and IT systems.
- To adopt the IT waste reduction and elimination programme
- To improve our services through emerging technologies
- To reduce dependencies on third parties by using in-house resources in the respective field
- To enhance workforce to deliver task effectively
Our Role
- To provide information resources;
- To liaise with senior management with regards to implementation of new IT projects in terms of IT Infrastructures and advise on the IT need analysis;
- To be Responsible for IT infrastructure and ICT security;
- To Develop policies and procedures for technical service activities;
- To Develop new strategies for implementing new enhanced technologies in the advantage of the University as a whole
- To provide help desk support through IT advices/ support to staff and students and third parties; provide instant internal interventions to technical issues as reported by staff and students;
- To provide support to non-academic staff, academic staff and students like setting up and operating equipment, installing and configuring computer hardware systems and applications, monitoring and maintaining computer systems and network;
- To Provide technical support on the ICT networking infrastructure
- To provide status on faulty equipment, reporting faulty access on hardware/software and initiate needful for replacements
- Bookings of labs, printing facilities and providing technical assistance as and when required
- To provide specifications of equipment for users and participate in the evaluation committee;
- To Liaise and assist third parties (interventions from third parties on faulty equipment)
- To manage email address of staff and students and website;
- To coordinate and maintain existing servers (operating systems)
- To assist the schools by providing ongoing support on the management of Information systems such as the Student Marking Systems, the Module bank system, the Learning Management systems;
- Implementation of the Integrated Information Services
- To develop, manage and provide support in the Online Voting systems, Library Information System and Turn-it-in (plagiarism software);
- To provide end user support/ training on implementation of new systems;
- To monitor the network system and database administrator;
- To process files, seeking approvals for any projects with regards to IT infrastructure;
- To follow up with suppliers with regards to quotation, site visits;
- Queries/ complaints from staff: to record same so that our technical team could conduct internal interventions
- To renew service maintenance agreement with suppliers
- To plan schedules of work with supplier and technical team;
- To liaise with suppliers with regards to intervention on broken or faulty parts or equipment
- To plan roster for technical staff, lab attendants and to process payment
- Provide secretarial duties in technical evaluation committees
Staff List