BA (Hons) Counselling

Let’s commit to uplift our society

This Three-year full-time and four years part-time Degree programme is designed to meet the growing needs of professionals and other persons confronted with the demand for help and support coming from employees and employers from both the Public and the Private sector, Parastatal bodies, NGO’s and other Institutions. The programme is also designed to equip the course participants with the necessary knowledge and skills to work with people in need of counselling in institutions and situations arising in the various sectors of human life. It will support the professional development of those already involved in counselling while adding an academic dimension to their existing skills, with a view to make them more efficient practitioners.

This programme aims to focus on professional counselling practices, by extending knowledge, expertise and skills through the application of a person-centered approach to problems and issues related to counselling within the society.

Career Prospects

  • This program of study provides prospective employment in the following field and is not limited to the indicative list; Counsellors, Social and Welfare Officers, Social Workers, Family Welfare officers, Probation Officers, Family Counsellors, Personnel involved in health care assistance, personnel involved in the education sector, Rehabilitation officers, Substance Abuse officers, personnel involved in elderly care and personnel wishing to join the public, private and non-governmental sector to embrace a career in the field of counselling and social care and assistance.


Develop an understanding of the underlying philosophical and different approached to counselling.
Work towards adopting a strong foundation for ethical and professional practice in the field of counselling.
Develop an understanding of the social problems and their impact on individuals within the social context.
Provide opportunities to investigate emerging societal case.
Apply knowledge and skills in structuring counselling sessions to effectively empower persons seeking help, appreciate the effects of organizational and societal influences on the everyday life of people.


  • Applicants should satisfy the University’s General Entry Requirements for admission.
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29 Lessons3 years (FT) / 4 years (PT)

List of Modules

Essentials of Psychology
Introduction to Sociology
Counselling Theory and Principles
Principle and Practice of Management

Introduction to Physiological Psychology
Social Psychology
Workplce Safety and Health Promotion
Skills in Counselling and Personal Development I
Essentials of Statistics
Sustainability for Social Sciences
Skills in Counselling and Personal Development II

Managing Public and Private Welfare Institutions
Children, Adolescent and Peer Counselling
Family and Marriage Counselling
Work Behaviour
Counselling Ethics and the Legal Framework
Substance Abuse Counselling
Sexuality Counselling
Work place and Career Counselling
Work Placement/Portfolio
Stress Disorders and Anger Management
Social Care Counselling and Community Services
Social Research Methods
-Clinical Counselling: Mood disorders, Suicide, Bereavement & Post-traumatic Counselling
Project Management
Understanding Criminal Behaviour
