Diploma in Occupational Safety and Health Management

The sworn course for avid software developers who want to change the world!

Successful organisations treat their employees as valuable assets and with increasing cut throat competition and emphasis laid on human resource policies and practices, health, safety and well being of employees cannot be ignored for the success of business entities. Employers are being called upon to strengthen the need to better equip themselves with tools that effectively guard their employees against the numerous occupational hazards but also pandemics and climate change having adverse effects on businesses.

Safety & Health officers have seen themselves shouldering various responsibilities with the advent of technology, cliamte change and pandemics. Of late, they have been called upon to deal with new and more complicated issues regarding the health, safety and well being of their colleagues. New challenges are still awaiting ahead with amendments having been made to laws, rules and regulations.


This programme aims at those who wish to pursue a career in the field of occupational safety & health.
The course will not only provide them with the basics of safety and health, but will also broaden their knowledge and equip them with up to date skills and knowledge that are required to perform their day to day duties.
The course will also enable them to better cope with recent unprecedented changes that have taken place in the field of safety, health and well being.
Students will be given the opportunity to analyze situations with respect to safety and health issues and thus take appropriate actions.
The course will also provide them with a strong know how as to the legal aspects of safety and health in Mauritius especially with recent amendments brought to existing laws at work.


  • As per UTM’S Admissions Regulations, and ‘Admission to Programmes of Study at Degree Level’.
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