The Safety and Health Unit of the University of Technology, Mauritius is here to promote safety
and health on campus by ensuring the wellbeing of university staff, students, contractors and
The Safety and Health Unit supports and facilitates the development of health and safety
policies, defines responsibilities and ensures open communication on health and safety
The Safety and Health Unit operates under the aegis of the Office of Registrar.
Mrs Yusra Shahanna Hudaa ANONA-MOUSSA, Safety and Health Officer/ Senior Safety and Health Officer of the University
of Technology, Mauritius.
Graduated in BSc (Hons) Occupational Safety and Health Management.
Regulations 2014
Regulations 2013- updated as at 2015 (latest)
Regulations 1980 -updated as at 2011 (repealed)
Regulations 2012
Regulations 2009
Regulations 2013
Regulations 1989 - updated as at 2005
How the department support student, guests, visitors, stakeholders ?
The Safety and Health Unit provides guidance, advice and assistance general health and safety issues for the benefit of UTM staff, students, contractors and visitors.
Description of “Our Pledge to Students”
Where is the Assembly Point located ?
Location of Safety and Health Officer’s office?
Can we report an unsafe act/ condition?