Department of Accounting, Finance and Economics (DAFE)
02/08/2022 2025-01-13 14:04Department of Accounting, Finance and Economics (DAFE)
School of business, management
and finance (sbmf)
Head of Departments Message
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Ag.Head of Department

Department of Accounting, Finance and Economics
The Department of Accounting, Finance and Economics has developed, serviced and enriched a range of comprehensive undergraduate and postgraduate academic programmes over the past two decades or so. Programmes which are in high demand fall in the areas of Accounting, Banking, Finance, Public Finance, and Procurement. The department offers two streams for MBA in areas of finance and investment and financial risk management which are open for students’ enrolment on an alternative basis. In addition, application for doctoral studies are welcomed in broad areas of accounting, finance, economics, public procurement, and public finance. The department works in close collaboration with professional bodies such as the Institute of Chartered Accountant England and Wales, Association of Chartered Certified Accountants for accreditation of academic programme. Furthermore, the department share collaborative support with the Ministry of Finance and Economic Development and the Public Procurement Office in the running of short-courses and executive courses in fields of public finance and public procurement, respectively. To ensure quality and standard of programmes the department relies on a pool of NINE full-time faculties, several local industry specialists and professionals, and other external faculties. The academic programmes are constantly reviewed at an interval of 4-5 years to ensure that emerging and contemporary issues are reflected in the curriculum of existing modules as well as new modules are added based on what is required in the world of work. Also, students are exposed to community learning and engagement (as per the CLEn initiative) as well as work experience is made available to full time learners through job placement in organisations for a minimum of 3 months. At the DAFE we do our level best to meet the demands and expectations of our students, business community, and public bodies.
Undergraduate Programmes
BSc (Hons) in Financial Management with specialization in Public Finance
PROGRAMME INFORMATION The challenge facing public finance managers is to …
BSc (Hons) in Financial Management with specialization in Public Finance
What you'll learn
BSc (Hons) Procurement and Supply Management
Learn the necessary knowledge to be conversant with new techniques …
BSc (Hons) Procurement and Supply Management
What you'll learn
BSc (Hons) in Banking and International Finance
Learn the necessary knowledge to operate in the increasingly competitive …
BSc (Hons) in Banking and International Finance
What you'll learn
BSc (Hons) Accounting with Finance (ACCA and ICAEW Accredited)
ACCA Acreditation Certificate Learn the necessary skills to the foundation …
BSc (Hons) Accounting with Finance (ACCA and ICAEW Accredited)
What you'll learn
BSc (Hons) Financial Services with Law
Learn the necessary skills to become responsible citizens through engagement …
BSc (Hons) Financial Services with Law
What you'll learn
Postgraduate Programmes
MSc Trust Services and Fund Administration
This uniquely relevant Masters programme aims to bridge the immediate …
MSc Trust Services and Fund Administration
MSc Banking and Finance
What you'll learn
MBA Finance And Investment
Learn the latest in-depth knowledge and insights, plus the right …
MBA Finance And Investment
What you'll learn
MBA Financial Risk Management
Effective risk management is increasingly becoming recognized as a necessary …